CVGIP 2012「茶香四溢」、「森」呼吸
今年度CVGIP 2012,議程精采,包含國際知名學者專題演講、「CVGIP 產學與未來研究展望」論壇..等,大會特別安排眷屬旅遊—「茶香四溢」半日遊及「森」呼吸一日遊。CVGIP 2012投稿即將於06月25日截止,尚未投稿者,敬請儘速投稿,並邀請您與會!
CVGIP 2012訂於民國101年8月12至14日於南投日月潭雲品酒店舉辦,議程除論文發表外,大會也頒發IPPR碩博士論文獎、CVGIP優秀論文獎。會中將舉辦「CVGIP 產學與未來研究展望」論壇,邀請國內外知名專家學者進行專題演講,廣邀國內外著名產學學者與業界代表、影像與多媒體的相關廠商前來參與,並安排廠商展示相關產學成果,期望CVGIP成為產學媒合的重要平台。本次會議與由田新技股份有限公司合作,舉辦「由田機器視覺獎」(UTMVP)競賽,眾多技術團隊參加爭取高達新台幣100萬元的總獎金。
徵求理論研究及實務應用相關論文,範圍包括但不局限以下主題:電腦視覺(CV)、電腦圖學(CG)、視訊處理(VP)、影像處理(IP)、圖形識別 (PR)、生物醫學影像處理及應用(Biomedical Image Processing and Applications)、產業應用與創新、其他應用(AP)。詳請見
「CVGIP 產學與未來研究展望」論壇
為促使與會學者專家在產學合作、建立專業學術,特舉辦「CVGIP 產學與未來研究展望」論壇。出席演講產、官、學、研專家學者有交通大學蔡文祥教授講座、IPPR理事長柳金章教授、國科會資訊學門(二)召集人詹寶珠教授、工研院雲端中心主任闕志克博士與由田新技公司方志恆副總經理。期望透過產、官、學、研彼此能量與知識的匯集,為產學合作創造加乘、豐碩的成果。
專題演講 --Narendra Ahuja
Professor Narendra Ahuja is currently the Donald Biggar Willet Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Beckman Institute, and the Coordinated Science Laboratory with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received the Technology Achievement Award of the International Society for Optical Engineering in 1998, the Emanuel R. Piore award of the IEEE in 1999, and in 2008 – the TA Stewart-Dyer/Frederick Harvey Trevithick Prize of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Open Innovation Research Award from Hewlett-Packard. He received a Distinguished Alumnus Award from University of Maryland Department of Computer Science (2008), Best Paper Award from IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (2006), University Scholar Award (1985), Presidential Young Investigator Award (1984), and President’s Merit Award (1966). He has co-authored the books Pattern Models (Wiley, 1983), Motion and Structure from Image Sequences (Springer-Verlag, 1992), and Face and Gesture Recognition (Kluwer, 2001). Professor Ahuja is on the editorial boards of the journals IEEE Trans. on PAMI; CVGIP; J. of Mathematical Imaging and Vision; J. of Pattern Analysis and Applications…etc.. He is a fellow of IEEE, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Int. Association for Pattern Recognition, Association for Computing Machinery...[more]
專題演講--Chein-I Chang
Professor Chein-I Chang is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Professor Chang has authored a book – Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification (Kluwer, 2003), edited two books – Recent Advances in Hyperspectral Signal and Image Processing (Trasworld Research Network, 2006) and Hyperspectral Data Exploitation: Theory and Applications (Wiley, 2007), and co-edited with a book on High Performance Computing in Remote Sensing (CRC, 2007) with Antonio J. Plaza. He is currently working on a second book, Hyperspectral Data Processing: Signal Processing Algorithm Design and Analysis (Wiley, 2011) and a third book, Real Time Hyperspectral Image Processing: Algorithm Architecture and Implementation (Springer-Verlag, 2012). His research interests include multispectral/hyperspectral image processing, automatic target recognition, medical imaging. He was an Associate Editor in the area of hyperspectral signal processing for the IEEE TRANS. ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 2001–2007. He is currently on the editorial boards of the Journal of High Speed Networks, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of Computational Sciences and Engineering and Open Remoter Sensing Journal. He is a Fellow of IEEE and SPIE...[more]
日月潭之旅(Local tour)